O Lord, I Am Not Worthy

Last Supper by Federico Barocci

O Lord, I am not worthy
That Thou shouldst come to me;
But speak the word of comfort,–
My Spirit healed shall be.

And humbly I’ll receive Thee,
The Bridegroom of my soul;
No more by sin to grieve Thee,
Or fly Thy sweet control.

Increase my faith, dear Jesus,
In Thy real presence here,
And make me feel most deeply
That Thou to me art near.

My hope in Thee now strengthen,
O Saviour of my soul,
Lest by temptation blinded,
I turn from my true goal.

And let me love Thee only
With all my heart and mind;
In Thee alone my spirit,
True rest and joy can find.

O Sacrament most holy,
O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be ev’ry moment Thine.

John G. Hacker, Catholic Hymnal (New York: Schwartz, Kirwin & Fauss, 1920).

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