Creator-Spirit, Lord of Grace

Veni Creator Spiritus

Creator-Spirit, Lord of Grace,
Come, make our hearts Thy dwelling place;
And fill with Thy celestial aid
Our needy souls which Thou hast made.

On Thee we call, our Paraclete,
The Gift of God, with grace replete,
The Fount of Life, the Fire of Love,
And sacred Unction from above.

The seven gifts of grace are Thine,
Thou Finger of the Hand Divine!
The Father’s promise to fulfill
The gift of tongues didst Thou instill.

To all our senses light impart,
And pour Thy love in ev’ry heart;
With strength and courage from on high
Our human weakness fortify.

Drive far away our deadly foe,
And Thine enduring peace bestow;
With Thee as Guardian, Thee as Guide,
No ill may come nor harm betide.

May we through Thee the Father know
And in our love for Jesus grow;
May we profess in steadfast creed
Thyself Who dost from Both proceed.

To God the Father, and the Son
Who rose from death, be homage done;
To God the Spirit equal praise
Be paid by all through endless days.

John G. Hacker, Catholic Hymnal (New York: Schwartz, Kirwin & Fauss, 1920).

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