Hail, Thou Star of Ocean

Hail, thou Star of Ocean,
God’s own Mother blest:
Ever stainless Virgin,
Gate of heav’nly rest!
Taking that sweet Ave,
Gabriel spoke of yore,
Eva’s name reversing,
Peace for us implore.

Break the bonds of sinners,
Lend us light to see;
All our ills expelling,
Plead our ev’ry plea;
Show thyself our Mother;
May thy Son divine,
Born for our salvation,
Grant our prayers through thine.

Virgin, all excelling,
Mildest of the mild,
Free from guilt preserve us,
Meek and undefiled;
Keep our lives all sinless,
Guide us on our way,
Till, in seeing Jesus,
We rejoice for aye.

John G. Hacker, Catholic Hymnal (New York: Schwartz, Kirwin & Fauss, 1920).

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